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Foundation Board

Jean-Christophe de Vries


Pierre-Antoine Praderand

Vice President & Health Specialist

Sabine Perret

Public relations

Yves Dana

Arts specialist

Sabina Djuric


Yves Guignard

Arts specialist

Jean-David Pelot

Judicial aspects

Stéphane Riethauser


Adrien Tempia

Health specialist


Ariane Wunderli

General secretary

Finance Commission

Sabina Djuric


Jean-Christophe de Vries


Arts Commission

Brigitte Waridel


Gerald Berger


Jean Pierre Pastori


Health Commission

Jean-Daniel Tissot


Various members

depending on the files

The designation of people, titles and functions are in the masculine form and apply equally to women and men. 


On the basis of an initial selection of projects made by each of the two competent Commissions, the Foundation Board issues the final list of projects/individuals supported during each session, with the final support amounts. Thus, neither the members of the Commissions nor those of the Council can decide alone to support a project. In addition to this double selection process, the votes of the members of the Council are made by majority, and the vote of the president counts double in the event of a tie.

The Foundation also follows three principles in terms of managing potential conflicts of interest within its bodies:

Principle of transparency

All members of its bodies communicate their various commitments and any developments in their personal, professional situation and/or commitments likely to influence their independence in matters handled by the Foundation. Thus, it intends to eliminate or reduce potential conflicts of interest.

Principle of challenge

In the event of a proven conflict of interest, the member concerned must recuse themselves doubly: both from deliberations within the body, then from votes on the subject concerned.

Principle of equal treatment

In the event that the Foundation supports a project or entrusts a mandate involving one of the members of its bodies, the decision-making process is carried out with the same rigor and level of transparency as for any other request for support or mandate.